Group Classes & Lessons

Train With Extended Family, Friends, or
Co-Workers In A Group Setting

Group lessons typically take place at our student’s location, whether that be an office building, community center, gymnasium, church or other location. Please contact us about rates and availability.

Additional travel costs also may apply to groups outside of Airdrie including Calgary, Crossfied, Irricana, Chochrane ect. 

Group lessons require a minimum of 5 participants and up to 20 at one time. For groups larger than 20 an extra assistant or instructor may be brought in.

Prior to starting any group lessons a waiver form much be signed by all registered participants. If a training facility requires medical or damage insurance this is considered the financial responsbility of the client. 

Group lessons can be a one-time self defense class, a series of classes (3-6), or on an ongoing basis. Training for belt levels or providing uniforms is done for continuos classes only, not sessions with a limited timeframe.

Family Friendly Taekwondo & Martial Arts Training